jeudi 21 juillet 2011

Ma première fois

La première fois que j'ai porté un carré Hermès c'était pour le traditionnel portrait effectué par l'école. J'avais 13 ou 14 ans. 
La séance photo annuelle se tenait toujours en automne. Ayant pris froid, je portais alors un foulard de ma mère, qui l'avait hérité de sa grand-mère !
Il s'agissait du modèle "Faisan" par Henri de Linarès, sorti en 1959.
Ma mère possède toujours ce foulard, qui, me reviendra un jour...

Sous le pull Chipie, on aperçoit une chemise rayée Gap, que mon oncle m'avait rapportée de New-York où il habitait (à l'époque Gap n'était pas encore distribué en France).

The first time I worn an Hermès scarf, I was 13 or 14 years old : it was the day of the school portrait, made every year during fall.
I was a little bit sick so I was wearing that day a scarf which belongs to my mother, who inherited from her grand-mother !
The Carré was "Faisan" from Henri de Linarès, launched in 1959.
My mother has still this scarf, which will be mine one day...

Underneath the Chipie sweater, we can see a striped shirt from Gap. This shirt was a gift from my Uncle, who brought it me back from New-York, where he lived (at that time, Gap was not selled in France yet).

4 commentaires:

  1. tu es toute mimi mais déjà très chic !

  2. That's so adorable! It also underscores how Hermès scarves are just part of the general clothing landscape in France--an amazing thing for someone (me) who grew up under Wal-mart's reign in America.

  3. This is utterly charming! I love the family history that goes with that scarf, and the idea that it would appear in a school portrait. Absolutely wonderful and inspiring. My daughter bought me an H for my doctoral graduation -- a reverse of the usual H gift in France, I imagine!

  4. Argone,
    Merci pour le compliment !

    Aesthetic Alterations,
    You're right. This culture and background may be one of the greatest characteristics of the "Vieux Continent"...

    I like the American tradition as well ;-)
    I love presents which go through the years. Your daughter had made you a beautiful gift, that you will cherish more and more the time go on.
